Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Action Worksheets

Action Worksheets

Project Worksheet #1: Selection

Instructions: Write an Action description for your 6 Sigma Action, then evaluate the statement using the criteria below.

Action description:

Action Worksheet #2: Team Charter

Instructions: Use the tables below and on the next page to capture notes for your team’s charter. Not all of the questions may be pertinent to you, but the more questions you can answer, the better off you’ll be.

Time: 15 min.

Suggested questions
to consider Your notes

Action Description

· What problem is the team addressing?

· What problems do customers have with the process output?

Expected Business Results

· What will be the business impact of improving the process?

· How will team members benefit from successful completion of this work?

Scope (Focus and Direction)

· How will the team focus its work? What information will you collect to identify urgent problems?

· What areas are inside and/or outside the work of the team? What are the boundaries (start and end points)?

· What specific parts of the process will you focus on?

Action Worksheet #2: Team Chart, cont.

Suggested questions
to consider Your Notes

Goal and Measure

· What must the team deliver to be successful?

· Does the team goal link to the key performance parameters established by the sector leadership teams?

What is the baseline performance?


· What are the milestones for the Action?

· By when will you be able to complete each phase of the 6 Sigma process?

Team Members

· Who is the team accountable to?
Who is your Sponsor?

· Who is on this team?

· Who can the team turn to for expert guidance?

· Has the process owner been identified?

Required Support

· What additional resources does the team need?

What obstacles does the team see, and how can they be resolved?

Expected Customer Benefits

· How will this Action help the customer of the process?

· Could improvements have a negative impact on the customer?

Action Worksheet #3: Potential Impact

Instructions: Make rough estimates of the impact your Action is likely to have.

Expected improvement

Benefit of that improvement

Expected business impact

Action Worksheet #4: Preliminary Communication Plan

Instructions: Identify some of the people who will be involved in or affected by your Action. Ask them or guess at what their main concerns are and make some preliminary decisions about how you will keep them informed through the Action. Be prepared to discuss your ideas with the class.

Time: 15 min.


(names of people
or groups)



(When and how you
will communicate with them)

Team Leader
(if someone other than yourself)

QF Manager



Other Stakeholders

Action Worksheet #5: SIPOC Analysis

Instructions: Select one process (preferably the one you will be studying) and fill in the table below. You may not need to use every blank—or you may need to add some.

Other Notes:

Action Worksheet #6: VOC Data Collection Plan

Action Worksheet #7: Generating CTC’s

Instructions: Use the blank tree diagram to translate a customer need from your Action to a CTC requirement. Be prepared to discuss your work with the class.

Time: 15 min.

Action Worksheet #8: Data Collection Plan

Action Worksheet #9: Prioritization Matrix

Output Variables



Process/Input Variables

Action Worksheet #10: Time Ordered Data

1. Do you have any data now on your process that you could analyze using a time plot, individuals chart, or X and R Chart?

2. Which chart would be better?

3. What do you think you could learn?

4. What questions do you want to answer where a time plot or individuals chart might help? What data could you collect?

5. Revise your data collection plan, if necessary.

Action Worksheet #11: Other Data

1. Do you have any data now on your process that you could display on a Pareto chart or frequency plot?

2. Which plot would be acceptable? Why?

3. What do you think you could learn?

4. What questions do you want to answer where a frequency plot or Pareto chart might help? What data could you collect?

5. Revise your data collection plan, if necessary.

Action Worksheet #12: Presentation Worksheet

Action Worksheet # 13: DoE Planning

Action Worksheet # 14: Involvement Matrix

Instructions: Use the matrix to help you identify the people who should be involved in developing and implementing solutions.

The matrix above will help you think about who should be involved in the different steps needed to make change a reality, and what level of involvement is appropriate for them. Those you list for the first two rows would be involved in the tasks described in this module.

Action Worksheet # 15: FMEA

FMEA Analysis



Original Date:

Revised Date:

Item or Process Step

Potential Failure Mode

Potential Effect(s) of Failure


Potential Cause(s)


Current Controls



Recomm. Action

and Target Date

“After” Action Taken





Risk Priority Number =

“After” Risk Priority Number =

* S = Severity, O = Occurrence, D = Detection, R = RPN

Action Worksheet # 16: Commitment Planning

Identify the people and systems whose commitment you need.

Identify the level of commitment needed from them in order for the solution to receive a fair test. Put a dot (l) in the box where that group must be.

Estimate where their commitment levels are now. Put an 6 in the box where you think the group would be if they heard about the planned solution today.

• Draw an arrow from the 6 to the l.

• Develop a plan for closing the gap between where they are currently and where you need them to be.

• Create a process to monitor your progress both in obtaining and in keeping that commitment.

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